Background - Why Does This Site Exist carve a niche in the heart of every creature in the galaxy, where the Love Monkey can sing songs, and play games... spread the legacy of the Love Monkey over a period far beyond the life of his battery...
Many people probably don't wonder how The Love Monkey came to be, but for the few who do, this is for you. The Love Monkey began life in a Toy Store Bin, where he was found by Smilin' John. Smilin' John loved the monkey, but couldn't afford the asking price. LiL Gerty, however, had the funds. He snagged the puppet from John, and brought it to the cashier. Of course the monkey was a prize, and at a fair price. The poor guy was being clearanced out of inventory. Of course, the monkey needed a name. It didn't take long, the voice box in the thing screamed orgasmically, so, what better name than 'The Love Monkey' (yes, 'The' is included. Much like 'God', The Love Monkey is the ONLY monkey of love). The Love Monkey then was joined by Samuel H.T. Duck (all 11 of him), Space Monkey, and Crackle Bear. They all made many trips to high school, where they became very well known. The Love Monkey often sat in on classes, and made special appearances in school projects. Space Monkey more prefered the darkness of a backpack, while Samuel enjoyed the pep-fests. Crackle Bear, however, much prefered to stay home. Then in August of '97, The Love Monkey, and Gang appeared on the Internet. Happy Thought Land!, a world that had existed in THE CREATOR's mind for many years, now was the home to all of them. But, due to THE CREATOR's lack of HTML knowledge and ambition, the site was only worked on for a short time. Now, THE CREATOR, with his new love of webpage design, has rebuilt Happy Thought Land!, from the ground up, and now has created Love Monkey HQ. What was a single entity, now exists as two seperate creations, each with it's own style.
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